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Chianti Classico Collection 2015

Chianti Classico Collection 2015, The Leopolda of Wine
149 wineries present a total of 517 labels, 39 barrel previews of the 2014 vintage and 56 Gran Selezione wines to be tasted

Returning to the Stazione Leopolda in Florence on February 17 and 18 is the Chianti Classico “Collection” presenting the latest Black Rooster vintages to the wine press and trade.
Presentation of the latest Chianti Classico vintages to the top wine experts, a unique occasion for learning all about the Chianti Classico appellation, its labels and what’s new in one of the world’s most important wine territories.

All this is the Chianti Classico Collection, one of the major events on the international wine world calendar, being held on February 17 and 18 in the beautiful setting of the Stazione Leopolda in Florence, by now its customary venue.

Here are the figures for the Leopolda of Wine: 149 wineries participating, 517 labels to be tasted for a total of 6200 bottles to be opened and served by a team of 50 sommeliers during the two days of the event, attended by more than 200 journalists from 30 different countries and more than 1300 trade professionals. There will be 39 barrel previews of the 2014 vintage and 56 Chianti Classico Gran Selezione wines to be tasted.

“This is the third time I will be participating in the Chianti Classico Collection not only as vintner but as president of the Chianti Classico Wine Consortium” says Sergio Zingarelli, “with increasing awareness of the importance of this event that grows every year, bringing to Florence the wine press and trade from all over the world. The wines that will be tasted here come from a territory that next year will be celebrating the three hundredth anniversary of the 1716 edict with which Cosimo III de Medici established the borders of our production territory. Since then there has been a succession of Grand Dukes, vintners, production regulations, markets and merchants, consumers, harvests, historic events and normal moments of rural life, but our terroir, our grapes and our passion have remained the same”.

As usual the first day of the event, February 17, is reserved exclusively for journalists of the Italian and international press who in the afternoon can taste the wines in the presence of the vintners, while on the 18, from 10 am on, the event will also be open to trade, professionals of which will be able to meet with producers and sample their wines until 7 pm.

The Collection will also be the occasion – in a talk show replacing the customary press conference at noon on February 17 – for discussing the importance of cohesion and interaction among wineries, and in particular those of Chianti Classico, different in size and origin but all united for the past ninety years by membership of Italy’s oldest wine consortium.

Also not to be missed is the party in honor of Chianti Classico and its symbol, to be held at the Stazione Leopolda on February 17 from 7:30 pm on: for the last day of Carnival guests will be sporting a charming accessory provided by the evening’s organizers. The recommended dress code is red and black, not to cite Stendhal or soccer teams but in tribute to the world’s most famous wine trademark, the Black Rooster encircled in red. The guest list is top secret and in addition to wine experts will also include members of local institutions and VIPs.

This year, too, the partners of the event are top names in the wine & food industry, like some of the finest Italian DOP products, which, under the institutional umbrella of the AICIG (Italian Association of Geographical Indication Consortiums) will be giving presentations and offering tastings at the Collection. They include the Prosciutto di San Daniele Consortium, the Grana Padano Consortium, the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP Consortium, the Prosciutto Toscano Consortium, the Pecorino Toscano DOP Consortium, the Consortium for “Oliva da mensa” DOP– La Bella della Daunia – cultivar La Bella di Cerignola, the Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP Consortium, the Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese Consortium, the Gorgonzola cheese DOP Consortium, the Mortadella Bologna Consortium.


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