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Wine and spirits professionals are gathering at Vinexpo Asia-Pacific from 27 to 29 May 2014 for a 3-day exhibition with a parallel programme of events hitherto unseen in the region. 

 In addition to the unique offering of new and existing, visitors will also encounter the concept bar “Spiritual”, a special feature designed exclusively for spirits, as well as being able to attend top-flight conferences and tastings unique to Asia at the Academy.

The biggest showcase for wine and spirits products in Asia
The 8th Vinexpo International Wine and Spirits Exhibition for Asia-Pacific will enable the 1,300 exhibitors from 30 countries present to form and strengthen relationships with the 17,000 visitors expected.
The world map of wine and spirits can be drawn at Vinexpo Asia-Pacific. English gin, Spanish Rioja, Italian Pino Grigio, Lebanese arak, Argentinian Malbec, Italian grappa or Columbian rum will all be tasted at the show.

Champagne producers are also bubbling with anticipation, including Billecart-Salmon, Bollinger, Laurent-Perrier, Ayala & Co, Pol Roger, Lanson International Diffusion, Collet, Thienot, Baron Fuenté, Moutard, Devaux, Henriot, Drappier, Bruno Paillard and Palmer & Co.
Prestigious spirits distillers will be exhibiting alongside renowned French cognac houses like Camus, Godet, Menuet, Leopold Gourmel, Thomas Hine & Co, Ferrand, Château du Breuil Armagnac and many others.
Representing Asia, the Chinese producers, including Grace Vineyard, Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine and Dynasty Fine Wines are exhibiting to leverage the impact of Vinexpo Asia-Pacific on Asian-Pacific distribution at large as well as positioning themselves in relation to the major international wine groups.

SPIRITUAL – the Concept Bar by Vinexpo
Spiritual results from Vinexpo’s ambition to launch a daring new bar concept to reflect the vibrant world of spirits. The bar offers producers the opportunity to present their beverages in an original way in the middle of Level 3, where the spirits brands congregate.
Professional mixologists, all members of the International Bartenders Association, will present the spirits in their best light by inventing unique cocktails and inviting you to taste them. A series of master classes has already been planned. Spiritual, which has been organised in partnership with The Spirits Business magazine and the Hong Kong Bartenders Association, already promises some amazing new things to taste !

An eclectic programme of conferences and top-flight tastings at The Academy
Throughout the exhibition, visitors have access to Academy events and its full programme of 54 tastings and conferences scheduled to be held in 11 different rooms. Attending a master class is an opportunity to find out about or revisit the top winegrowing areas in France (Burgundy, Beaujolais, Saint-Emilion, Bordeaux, etc.), as well as all over the world.
Like a huge journey of discovery, the Academy sets wines and spirits in the forefront of prestigious events, run by internationally recognised experts such as Paolo Basso, James Suckling, Debra Meiburg, Hubert de Boüard, Li Demei, Jeannie Cho Lee, Michel Rolland, Judy Chan, Fongyee Walker and  Nelson Chow.
New in 2014, the China Wine Forum will focus specifically on the Chinese market with three pioneering events aimed at presenting three fundamental issues on which participants may form their own opinions: production with a major tasting of Chinese wines, market potential  with an outstanding conference on future developments, and Chinese sociological drivers with the showing of the documentary “Red Obsession” followed by a debate with the participation of its director, attempting to characterise Chinese “wine madness”.

Get your Vinexpo Academy Certificate!
This year, Vinexpo Asia-Pacific is organising 4 professionally commented tastings, enabling participants to test and improve their knowledge and tasting skills. At the end of each master class, participants will receive an official Vinexpo Asia-Pacific Academy certificate.
Benefit from the expertise of Paolo Basso, Best Sommelier of the World 2013, at a superb blind tasting of 8 fine wines. May 29, 2:00pm - 3:30pm (Fee: HK$500)
Jeannie Cho Lee MW will lead three tastings focussed on matching food and wine. A great opportunity to discover how brilliantly characteristic Shanghai, Korean and Thai dishes can marry with the wines on show at Vinexpo Asia-Pacific. May 27, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm – Shanghainese Food & Wine. May 28, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm – Korean Food & Wine and May 29, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm – Thai Food & Wine (HK$250 each session)


Vinexpo press contacts: tel.  + 33 556 560 168
Anne Cusson -
Pauline Lévignat -


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