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Asian Media

Castello del Poggio Moscato D'Asti

The Wine Times of Hong Kong wrote about its growing love of Moscato, the sweet slightly sparkling wine from Italy, which is enjoying booming sales in the US at the moment. WT wrote: “The wine is so easy to drink and such a pleasure to drink, especially with the beautiful views of Hong Kong on a beautiful sunny summers lunch time. 

This I actually tried with a fresh fruit dessert and the pairing was heavenly – there’s a hint chaps, go buy some strawberries and a bottle of Castello del Poggio Moscato and she’ll be on her knees before you know it!”

Tasca d’Almerita Cygnus

Singapore’s The Local Nose, invites a range of local wine experts to review wines and this one was rated as a “good buy” by three different reviewers. Timothy Goh, wrote of this wine: “Crushed red fruit flavours with nice tannin structure, bright acid and a long length. The palate is generous with fruit flavour.”

Hwee Peng Lim, CSW, added: “Fresh, expressive and clean black fruit aromas. Palate is exactly the same but has a slight herbal/green note. Interesting flavours and will be enjoyable on its own.”

Guerrieri Rizzardi Prosecco

The Local Nose team also reviewed this sparkler, with Sarah Mayo writing that this was a “sensational buy”. She added: “Lemon/lime and slightly yeasty aromas with a hint of chalk. The palate has a touch of sweetness balanced by crisp acidity. Nice, small bubbles. Medium-long finish.”

While Ed Soon said it was an “excellent buy”, adding “Pale gold, canned pear and elderflower aromas on the nose. Silky, soft mousse with a delicate texture and nice clean finish. Nice length too! I’d serve this with salmon.”
20th June, 2013

Ben Rye Passito Di Pantelleria 2007

This wine was chosen by JC Viens, in, he wrote: “Made with the “Appassimento” method so particular to Italy with grapes dried in the sun for 20-30 days to obtain extra concentrated sugars and flavours, this fascinating wine is lusciously sweet thanks to Moscato’s telltale orange-blossom nose, with a diabolical intensity of apricot and peach, orange and grapefruit peels, dried figs, honey and sweet spices like cinnamon and cloves.

“The finish is extremely long, fresh and complex making it exceptional to pair with dark chocolate or cakes made with nuts and fruits.”
US Press

Selvapiana, Chianti Rufina DOCG 2010

In the Dallas Morning News, Rebecca Murphy recommended this wine, describing Selvapiana as “one of the best wineries in Rufina.”

She added: “This wine is made primarily of Sangiovese with a smidgen of Canaiolo. It has an abundance of bright cherry and raspberry fruit with notes of liquorice and tobacco, animated by decisive acidity and finishing with dusty tannins. Enjoy it with a vegetable lasagna or platter of salumi.”

La Monacesca Verdicchio, 2010

Writing in the LA Daily News, Michael Petersen recommended this wine. He wrote: “From Marche, Italy, this wine is a bit more serious and complex than a typical Verdicchio.

“It has a very crisp acidity and a heavy mouth feel, along with floral notes and a hint of lime. This is a particularly good wine for those who want to try a less traditional white.”

2007 Da Vinci “Cantine Leonardo” Brunello di Montalcino

Fred Tasker, writing in the Miami Herald, featured wines from Tuscany and this one came “highly recommended”. 

Tasker described the wine as having “deep, dark red colour, aromas and flavours of black raspberries, cloves and minerals, dense, rich and smooth.”

Antonio Caggiano Taurasi Macchia dei Goti 2008

In the New York Times, Eric Asimov hosts a tasting panel which tries wines “from the bottom of Italy’s boot”. He wrote: “We were all impressed by the consistently high quality of these wines. Some, as the range of vintages suggested, were more immediately approachable, while others will continue to benefit from aeging. We found big differences in texture and density, but most of the wines were distinctively structured and earthy, with flavours of red fruit, liquorice and menthol.”
In regards to this wine he wrote: “Our number one wine was the 2008 Macchia dei Goti Taurasi from Antonio Caggiano, beautifully balanced and lovely to drink right now but with the potential to age.”
He added: “Balanced and lovely, structured yet approachable, with savoury flavours that linger.”

Salvatore Molettieri Taurasi Vigna Cinque Querce 2006

This wine was ranked second by Asimov’s tasting panel, and he wrote: “The relative delicacy of this wine [the Antonio Caggiano ranked number one] made for a nice contrast with our number two bottle, the 2006 Taurasi from Salvatore Molettieri, a powerhouse full of chunky, dark, complex flavours. 

Together they demonstrate a versatility of textures and densities.

2011 Scarpetta Pinot Grigio, Friuli-Venezia-Giuilia

Mark Tarbell in the Arizona Republic, recommended this as a “summer wine”, he wrote: “This region of Italy is wonderful for whites and anything that is pork-related. With mountains to the north and the Adriatic Sea to the south, it’s the perfect garden for food-friendly and warm-weather wines.”

He added: “This wine has wonderful mineral and citrus tones with green apple, good acidity and a hauntingly light impression of richness that is subtle on the finish. 90 points.”

                                                                               UK Press

2006 Pio Cesare Barolo

According to Irene Virbila in the LA Times, “when looking for a special bottle to bring to a dinner party, you can’t go wrong with a Barolo — unless, that is, the main course is fish. But for anything else, especially braised meats or roasts, a Barolo can hold its own with the best of California, France or Australia.” In writing about this wine, she added: “This one comes from the grand old house of Pio Cesare, founded way back in 1881, one of the first to bottle in Piedmont, Italy. The firm is now run by Cesare’s great-grandson Pio Boffa. It’s a fine example of classic Barolo and at a very good price for the quality. Fresh and round, it has a chiseled structure and wonderful balance. No need to wait on this one unless you want to: It’s drinking beautifully now, superb with a roast duck or brasato (beef braised in red wine).”

2012 Endrizzi Merlot delle Venezie

This wine is recommended by Brian Elliott in The Scotsman, who wrote: “A great-value summer red naturally low in alcohol and with appealing seasonal acidity to enliven the soft vanilla flavours, but given a cherry-centred tannic twist by the 15% Sangiovese it includes.


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